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We’ve had an improved level of participation by club members at races all over Britain (and Poland) and over varying distances.

It was good to see newer members racing, with Jane Capey getting 2nd F55 at the Katherine House 10K, Shugborough.

Richard Shaw has been running really well recently, following up his 2nd M65 at the New Forest Half Marathon with 1st M65 at the Tissington Trail Half Marathon.

Anne-Marie Mountford continues her impressive form with 1st F40 at the Ipstones 5.

At the St Thomas 7, Amy Gamble was 1st F35 and Joyce Edwards was 1st F65.

8 Bats ran the Wroclaw Marathon, in the company of Ben Gamble, as part of Jim Holland’s Stag Weekend. Wroclaw_TeamSteve Parker led the Bats home in Poland, in 3.24 which he improved on at the Chester Marathon to record a time of 3.20 and was 1st M60. He was beaten in by Jim’s best time for about 4 years, 3.08.

There was a great turn-out of 12 men and 10 ladies at the Winsford X-Country, a huge improvement on last year.

Open Air

We all need to encourage a similar turn-out at Stafford Common on 24th October. The Captain will ensure that our portable Bat Cave will have a roof and sides for its next outing, so that cakes, bottles and runners stay dry!

Finally, 20 Bats supported the new Moddershall 5 and were led in by Roger Taylor in 31.30 and Pippa Steele in 37.24, who was second lady overall. Stephenson was 3rd lady with Kevin Uzzell 1st M65 and Pam Davies 1st F60.

Vice Captain’s additional note – In addition to seeing Jane Capey achieving 2nd F55 (see above) it was also good to see Tim Clegg complete his first half marathon at Congleton on 4th October. Both have joined this club this year and have made excellent progress and it is great seeing them competing in races.
