Stone Master Marathoners fully understand that runners enjoy running with their dogs, but we prioritise safety and respect for all members and the public. This policy outlines the conditions under which dogs may join club runs, in alignment with UK Athletics guidance.
Firstly, dogs are not allowed inside the tennis club, this is a rule of the tennis club and as tenants we need to adhere to this. Any dogs on the tennis club grounds must be kept on a short lead and kept under control at all times. Should the dogs cause any disturbances they may be asked to leave the grounds with immediate effect.
General Guidelines
- Daylight Off-Road Runs: Dogs are permitted on daylight runs that are predominantly off-road, as long as the following rules are followed.
- Road Runs – Dogs are not permitted on road runs due to the risk of traffic and pedestrian interactions without prior approval of the run leader and all other runners participating. Should any runner not be comfortable with a dog on the run they are able to request the dogs are not allowed without discrimination – we are a running club and our members safety is paramount.
- Leader’s Permission: Any member wishing to bring a dog must obtain permission from the designated Run Leader at least 3 days in advance. The leader’s decision is final.
- Personal Responsibility: Dog owners run with their dogs at their own risk. Owners are responsible for ensuring that their dogs are fully insured with public liability insurance.
Dog Requirements
To join a club run, dogs must:
- Be at least 12 months old.
- Have experience running on a lead or harness.
- Be able to navigate obstacles like stiles and handle the planned distance comfortably.
- Not be in heat.
- Remain in control at all times, attached to their owner by a short, hand-held lead or a Canicross-approved harness with a line not exceeding 1.5 meters when fully extended.
- Dogs must wear a suitable run harness that attaches to the owner via a bungee lead (no flexi leads).
- Use reflective gear for both the dog and runner if conditions are dim.
Additional Safety and Etiquette
- Placement in Group: Dogs should run at the front or back of the group, as directed by the Run Leader.
- Communication: When overtaking, call out to alert others, e.g., “passing on the left/right.”
- Hydration and Weather Precautions: Owners should carry water for their dogs and avoid running in hot weather or conditions unsuitable for dogs.
- Respect for Others: Dog owners must ensure their dogs do not disrupt other runners, the public, or other animals encountered on the route. Always clean up after your dog and dispose of waste responsibly.
Training Sessions and Race Events
- Intervals and Road-Based Sessions: Dogs are not allowed on interval or road-based sessions due to the increased risk from traffic and pedestrians.
- Races: Dogs are not allowed at any club-organised races or formal events, if the owner is participating. It is also recommended that dogs are not allowed if the owner is volunteering, however, exceptions can be discussed with the race director if it can be assured the safety of participants and other members of the public is upheld.
NB: Some locations operate a no dog policy -please check before bringing your dog
Review and Compliance
This policy is reviewed annually or as needed based on UK Athletics guidance or club requirements. Run Leaders reserve the right to refuse a dog on any specific run, depending on the route, weather, and group composition.
By following this policy, Stone Master Marathoners aims to ensure that runs are enjoyable and safe for all participants.